Archived AF: Eminem's Recovery
Recovery still has a soft spot in my heart and this review made me smile. Posted in Late 2011, enjoy my over the top take on Eminem's album Recovery.
Eminem Recovery
Hello there, I am in no way shape or form a music critic, but I am in fact bored out of my mind so I grabbed Em's CD( i guess it would be called album because I think I'm the only person who buys cd's) Recovery and thought i would explain my thoughts and such over it. I am giving him 4 1/2 of 5 stars for a few personal issues in some of the lyrics, and a few 'vocal note' choices. Let me explain Dislikes
The multiple references to the disease Parkinson's really hits a personal level that I don't care for.
There's a song called "On Fire" where the hook of the song sounds really really bad.
There are no skits on the album at all, or even the sick twisted music like "Kim" or "Kill You" which I happen to love.
If you are some how able to use a Black Sabbath sample in a rap song and make it sound good, you deserve to have an award. Eminem has done just that.
The whole having Rihanna on a song after her terrible "Rated R" album, and making it number one of the itunes download list two days after the album comes out is very impressive.
Saying sorry for his flop "Relapse" and unsuccessful "Encore" in a few different songs.
If you want an album that has mostly serious lyrics, great hooks, and by no means selling out, Recovery is an album for you. Enjoy
Key Tracks
Won't Back Down
Cinderella Man
Space Bound
Not Afraid
No Love