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Archived AF : Revisiting Childish Gambino's Deep Web Tour, Nine Years Later

Alex Freund

Below is a set of posts I wrote about leading up to and after seeing Childish Gambino for the first time.


I am going to be in the same room as one of my favorite people alive.

What I would do to just meet Donald and Shake his hand.

An autograph would be amazing, and a picture would top it all off.

I cannot wait to hear his vocals with a live band and see him give everything he has got in order to create a phenomenal memory.


I get to see Donald live with my amazing girlfriend Kaitlyn whom I showed her Gambino, my best friend/cousin/brother Taylor whom tried to get me into Childish earlier, and my best friend/coworker Evan whom got me super into Bino Senior of high school.

Everyone else going is cool, but being able to be in the same room with those closest to me and being able to witness Donald on stage is what I live for.

March 17 isn't going to be just "another show", it is going to be one of my favorite memories in my life thus far.


Anyone who has been to the Deep Web Tour

Help me out a bit. I have seen posts where people have meet the one and only Donald. If anyone has any information as to how I would be able to do that in Kansas City please message me.

If I have to find his bus and meet him before/after his show I will try that.

If there is an official meet and greet I would love to do that.

Any info will help out.

Thank you!


Thank you to everyone who messaged me

Your information on trying to meet Donald Glover was a similar throughout all the messages which is promising.

I will keep you posted if I am able to meet Childish next week.

Things I have learned. Be patient and wait as long as it takes.

Someone said you may have to wait up to two hours, and you know what, I am totally fine with that. I just hope the rest of my friends don't mind waiting.


Yesterday I went to Kansas City to see Childish Gambino.

We stood in line starting at 3, show started at 8, five hour wait.

We got front row to see Donald.

After the show we went to the merch stand and got 2 shirts and a hoodie.

My Girlfriend (whom loves Donald even more than I do), my cousin (who introduced us to Gambino), and my good friend from high school, waiting in the 35 degree windy streets of Kansas City to have a chance to meet Donald.

45 minutes later we see him walking to his bus, I walked straight to him and shook his hand.

He went into his bus and we waited another hour or so and he finally came out and met everyone who stuck around.

Only part was he wouldn’t take pictures and would only sign one thing per person. My room mate was nice enough to get my ticket stub signed for me.

When I saw my girlfriend in front of me talk to Donald and hug him I began to tear up.

After she left the line I was up, I started to full on cry and I asked him for a hug and I thanked him for everything he has done and how much of an honor it was to meet him.

He said no it is an honor to meet you, I appreciate you guys coming out and waiting for me. He signed my photo and I shook his hand. and he pulled me in for another hug.

I don’t remember much after leaving but I do know a ton of tears fell.

Thank you Donald for everything you have done.

After Thought: The Necklace in the photo is a custom ordered pendant that says “Gambino” on it. When I say this guy's one of my heroes, I mean that to the fullest extent.


It is incredibly hard to believe that experience was 9 years ago. I don't feel like I am living the same life or the same person that wrote all that a decade ago. Donald still is an all time creative hero for me and I am still so honored I got an opportunity to create a core memory.

"This is a story about how I learned

Something and I'm not saying this thing is true or not

I'm just saying it's what I learned.

I told you something.

It was just for you and you told everybody.

So I learned cut out the middle man,

Make it all for everybody, always.

Everybody can't turn around and tell

Everybody, everybody already knows, I told them.

But this means there isn't a place

In my life for you or someone like you.

Is it sad?


But it's a sadness I chose."

"I refuse to go back to not liking who I was"

"If I am breathing I can handle it"

"All I want to do is keep up"


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