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Lemon Demon's Two Trucks

Alex Freund

I have taken a personal oath to review any song my friends suggest I listen to. Unfortunately that oath immediately has bit me in the bumper and I am going to review and describe my thoughts on one of the best band names in history, sing a song about....two trucks having sex.

Lemon Demon. Incredible name. Is it pronounced Lemon Demon or Lemon Demon? You tell me.

Their early 2010s viral song Two Trucks is a doozy for those who take their music a little too seriously. The instrumental at the very beginning of the track feels like you are in the back room of a party where a DJ is freestyliing lyrics in a frat house. Or you are held hostage in a closet where a speaker is placed on the other side of the room and the muffled bass and cartoony synth is meant to put you on edge to disclose all the secrets to your captor. In either case it's the feeling fever dreams are made of.

While any song could be taken at face value, that limits what the art form can create for each individual listener. The beginning verse covers everything a man's man looks for, the holy trinity of masculinity: automotives, sex, and muscles. Perhaps Lemon was trying to critique the grossly in your face hyper masculinity of the 2010's, highlighted in deodorant commercials and every product having an emphasis on manly shit. Dude wipes or Bear Glove anyone?

As the repetitive track continues its path towards looping in your head for all eternity, the masculinity slowly starts to shed and a softer, more sensual theme takes shape. Where once vein popping muscles is the center piece to the early verse, holding hands and men being brought to tears of joy overtakes the road. The founding father's specifically are the men crying at the visual artwork that is two trucks having sex.

Vocals are influenced heavily by new wave 80s leads and the bass line is reminiscent of disco, Lemon Demon is either a genius or a level five meme lord with too much *clap clap* time on their hands.

Listen at your own risk. If your masculinity is too fragile, I recommend checking out something else. For those ready to have their world view changed forever, Two Trucks is down below.


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